Monthly Archive: August 2016

Wall Street Journal: Operation Basalt book is “riveting”

This review appeared in yesterday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.  From the review:

It was a minor incident in a long war. In a raid on the night of Oct. 3, 1942, about a dozen British commandos landed on the tiny Channel Island of Sark, capturing one German soldier and shooting others when they tried to raise an alarm or escape. Operation Basalt, as the raid was called, yielded some military intelligence, but its main purpose was to remind local residents, abandoned by British forces two years before, that they were not forgotten in London.

But well after the raid, Operation Basalt resonated with importance, not just for the islanders living under German occupation but for British commandos elsewhere who, less fortunate than their counterparts on Sark, found themselves in German hands. Eric Lee’s riveting account, “Operation Basalt,” conveys the details of the operation as well as its disturbing repercussions.

Read the whole review here.

Oh, Canada!

Canada_flag_halifax_9_-04Our first review on the site:

“I’m usually not a fan of ‘micro-histories’ or local history nor of military history in general, but I had a lovely time with this one. On the local history side it helped that it the events set out in this book are connected to larger, broader developments in WW 2. What happened one night on a tiny island off the coast of France involving less than 20 people did have wider implications and those implications do say something about the Nazi regime and about the German military. Also helping me past my usual prejudices are that Basalt is very well written, an easy but not dumbed-down read. If I have a negative comment to make it’s a pretty positive one: I wish this small book were a fair bit larger and told the story of the occupation of Sark through to the end of the war and perhaps after. There are some tantalizing hints of interesting stories of the island during the later years of the war of of its population’s construction of its wartime history once the war was over. Probably no different than the myth-making seen in France and elsewhere, but more comprehensible and personal given the much smaller scale of Sark.I guess that makes me a convert to ‘micro-histories’. Highly recommended.